bne and sih

See, there's this graffiti artist whose been putting the initials BNE in at least five cities throughout the world. In every way, shape, or fashion. Nobody knows who he is or even where is he (he's rumored to be in Japan right now) making him the Keyzer Soze of graffiti artists.
Well, he's been so successful in San Francisco that he's become Public Graffiti Artist Enemy #1, with Gavin even putting a bounty on his head of $2,500. Quoth the Gavin: the oeuvre du BNE is "large, unsightly, confusing and utterly inappropriate" and what he's doing is “repetitive malicious mischief." He then threatened to resign if BNE isn't apprehended. (di kutip dari
Well, he's been so successful in San Francisco that he's become Public Graffiti Artist Enemy #1, with Gavin even putting a bounty on his head of $2,500. Quoth the Gavin: the oeuvre du BNE is "large, unsightly, confusing and utterly inappropriate" and what he's doing is “repetitive malicious mischief." He then threatened to resign if BNE isn't apprehended. (di kutip dari
mungkin berita ini sudah lama sekali, saya tak sengaja melihat artikel ini tapi ini gila man,,,,,
nakal sekali kamu bne hahahahahaha